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ENGLISH LANGUAGE - Preposition Practice - Session 1


1) Mr Ram Lal subscribed a handsome sum....................the Flood Relief Fund.
2) He readily request.
3) He dispensed....................the services of his dishonest clerk.
4) He yielded....................superior force.
5) He despaired....................success.
6) He supplies the
7) His friends disagreed....................him on that point.
8) He request.
9) He abstains....................liquor.
10) He was found guilty....................manslaughter.
11) He is incapable....................doing good work.
12) He is cousin.
13) He is sensible....................your kindness.
14) He is true....................his king.
15) He is involved....................difficulties.
16) The auditor is entitled....................his remuneration.
17) I prefer
18) There is no exception....................this rule.
19) I am not envious....................his success.
20) I am convinced....................the necessity of prudence.
21) We should rely....................our own efforts.
22) I inquired....................the servant if his master was at home.
23) I purposely refrained....................saying more.
24) I insisted....................going.
25) I assented....................his proposal.
26) I am not satisfied....................your explanation.
27) You must conform....................the regulations.
28) He did not profit....................experience.
29) We should all aim....................excellence.
30) Alcohol is
31) He is innocent....................the crime.
32) The stories in that book are full....................interest.
33) Don’t associate....................disreputable people.
34) Do not indulge....................strong language.
35) He is dependent....................his parents.
36) He is abstemious....................eating and drinking.
37) He is prompt....................carrying out orders.
38) He is vain....................his attainments.
39) He is deficient....................common sense.
40) He is
41) He is indifferent....................his own interest.
42) He is proficient....................mathematics.
43) He is not ashamed....................his neighbours.
44) He is devoid....................sense.
45) He is suspicious....................all his neighbours.
46) He has a passion....................arguing.
47) Recently there has been a reduction....................the price of milk.
48) He proved false....................his friend.
49) A square may be equivalent....................a triangle.
50) The avaricious man is greedy....................gain.
51) He is very different....................his brother.
52) The head-dress of the Cossacks is similar....................that of the ancient Persians.
53) He was born....................humble parents in Nasik.
54) His views do not accord....................mine.
55) Temperance and employment are
56) A policeman rescued the child....................danger.
57) Dogs have antipathy....................cats.
58) He promised not to do anything repugnant....................the wishes of his parents.
59) He is not the man to allow any one to encroach....................his rights.
60) Some of the members of the Assembly complained....................increased military expenditure.
61) Even the enemies admit that he is endowed....................rare talents.
62) He inspires respect....................his friends.
63) Our path is beset....................difficulties.
64) He was not able to give a satisfactory explanation....................his absence.
65) His illness is a mere pretext....................his absence.
66) He has been very much indulgent....................his children.
67) This discussion is hardly relevant....................the subject.
68) Contentment is essential....................happiness.
69) Early rising is
70) He is not likely to do anything detrimental....................our interests.
71) His benefactions must redound....................his credit.
72) Only graduates are eligible....................the post.
73) He is capable as a leader, but intolerant....................opposition.
74) Boys over sixteen are debarred....................competing.
75) Father Damien consecrated his life....................ameliorating the lot of lepers.
76) That rule is not applicable....................your case.
77) A public man should be tolerant....................criticism.
78) He is willing to make a concession....................the demands of his employees.
79) I often find him absorbed....................thought.
80) The accommodation is adequate....................our needs.
81) The hotel is adjacent....................the station.
82) The authorship of the book is wrongly ascribed....................him
81) The hotel is adjacent....................the station.
82) The authorship of the book is wrongly ascribed....................him.
83) Never do anything that is not compatible....................public safety.
84) His father often connives....................his follies.
85) Some public men are very sensitive....................criticism.
86) He is addicted....................gambling.
87) You need not be afraid....................being late.
88) Death is preferable....................disgrace.
89) Cats are
90) It is not true that the study of science tends....................atheism.
91) Some films are an incitement....................crime.
92) The climate of Rangoon does not agree....................him.
93) His plans are interests.
94) The questions of unemployment bristles....................difficulties.
95) Although he was bred....................the law, he became a successful journalist.
96) Generally, the rich are more than the poor.
97) He is still smarting....................rebuke.
98) He is scoffed....................the idea of revolution.
99) He has reverted....................his former post.
100) The battle resulted....................a victory for the Allies.
101) He restored the article....................its rightful owner.
102) The whole theory firmer foundation than mere conjecture.
103) The ultimate decision rests....................the board of directors.
104) Only when persuasions failed the police resorted....................force.
105) Superstitious fears preyed....................his mind and made him miserable.
106) He piques himself....................his artistic taste.
107) They now jeered....................him whom they had once acclaimed as their hero.
108) His followers now began to intrigue....................his adversary.
109) She interceded....................her husband on behalf of the people.
110) It is not easy to infer....................his account the real state of affairs.
111) He died without imparting....................anyone the secret of his process.
112) His statement was tantamount....................a confession.
113) The facts point....................a different explanation.
114) His friends prevailed....................him to withdraw his resignation.
115) Few boys are not amenable....................discipline.
116) Silkworms feed....................mulberry trees.
117) Pavlova excels....................dancing.
118) The wild boar abounds....................some parts of Europe.
119) He has no special liking....................mathematics.
120) Ashoka is worthy....................remembrance.
121) The godown is infested....................rats.
122) There is no exception....................this rule.
123) Nothing conduces....................happiness so much as contentment.
124) Alcohol is
125) Oil is good....................burns.
126) Invalids are not capable....................continued exertion.
127) The British Parliament is composed....................two Houses.
128) Do not confide your secrets....................everyone.
129) He is abstemious....................his habits.
130) He is ignorant....................what he pretends to know.
131) My brother is weak....................mathematics.
132) He has conceived an aversion....................all kinds of profitable labour.
133) Birbal is celebrated....................witty sayings.
134) The avaricious man is greedy....................gain.
135) The Atlantic separates Europe....................America.
136) Temperance and employment are
137) A brave boy rescued the child....................danger.
138) Industry is the key....................success.
139) The customs were searching....................drugs at the airport.
140) Elizabeth knew how to inspire her soldiers....................hope.
141) Long indulgence....................vice impaired his once robust constitution.
142) Early rising is
143) We should live in a style suited....................our condition.
144) Examinations act as an incentive....................diligence.
145) Hard work and perseverance are indispensble....................success in life.
146) He is too miserly to part....................his money.
147) He is clever man, but unfortunately diffident....................his powers.
148) Suddenly we were enveloped....................dense fog.
149) Many aspire....................greatness, but few attained.
150) His income is not adequate....................his wants.
151) The soil of Pune is favourable....................roses.
152) I am sick....................the whole business.
153) A car will be a great convenience....................a busy man like him.
154) Whoever acts contrary....................nature does not go unpunished.
155) The accident resulted....................the death of five people.
156) These derelict houses are reproach....................the city.
157) The Germans were called baby-killers and their methods of warfare stigmatized as a reproach....................civilization.
158) The mule was partially relieved....................the load.
159) America has raised a tariff wall to protect home industries....................foreign competition.
160) The facts point....................a different conclusion.
161) Your wish is tantamount....................a command.
162) This state is committed....................the policy of total prohibition.
163) One is sure....................what one sees.
164) He is indifferent alike....................praise and blame.

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